Proper Plotter

Proper Plotter

Platforms : Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, macOS
Add-on date : February 3, 2024
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(618 vote, Rating: 4.1 out of 5)

Proper Plotter Mod for Shadows of Doubt

Details :

Efficient Route Planning: Proper Plotter Mod for Shadows of Doubt

What is Proper Plotter?

The “Proper Plotter” mod optimizes your route planning experience in Shadows of Doubt by addressing a common inconvenience. Currently, attempting to plot a new route while an existing route is active disables the current plot, requiring an additional button press to initiate the new route. This patch eliminates this behavior, allowing you to seamlessly overwrite the current route with the new one and providing a more efficient route planning process.


Simply place the provided DLL file into the Shadows of Doubt\BepInEx\plugins folder to enjoy the benefits of Proper Plotter.


This patch resolves the issue where plotting a new route while an existing one is active would disable the current plot, requiring an extra button press. With Proper Plotter, you can now efficiently plot a new route, overwriting the old route without the need for additional steps.

Possible Bugs

In rare circumstances, there may be an issue where route plotting becomes stuck on one route. The fix is simple—press the “plot route” button a few times (usually three times) to resolve this minor inconvenience.

Enhance your route planning efficiency in Shadows of Doubt with the Proper Plotter mod. Experience smoother navigation and eliminate unnecessary steps in the route plotting process!

Download :

FAQs :


    1. Locate the Game Directory: Open the file explorer and navigate to the directory where Shadows of Doubt is installed on your system.
    2. Create a Backup: Before proceeding, it's advisable to create a backup of your Shadows of Doubt installation. This can be done by copying the entire game directory to another location.
    3. Extract the Mod Files: If the mod comes in a compressed format (e.g., ZIP or RAR), extract the files to a temporary folder using a file extraction tool.
    4. Copy Files to Game Directory: Copy the extracted files from the mod into the Shadows of Doubt game directory, replacing any existing files or merging folders as necessary.
    5. Run the Game: Launch Shadows of Doubt and check if Proper Plotter is working as intended. You should see the changes reflected in the game environment.